Walking hand-in-hand
Choose a job to apply for or search our database for a job that suits you.
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It would be great to have you here with us! 😀
But to make this happen, we need to see if the job is the right fit for you. The cool thing is that our selection process is online and takes place through our RHight tool. It allows us to select the candidates with the best profile for the job and keeps our Talent Bank always up to date.
So let's go? The first step is to log into our job portal: sou.aec.com.br.
- Select in the search the position "Attendant" and search for your city to see if there are any jobs available.
- When the result appears, click on "This Spot is Mine".
- Fill in your registration.
- Complete the first stage of selection by answering the questionnaire.
*Here’s a tip Look for a quiet place and take your time with this step. The result will be immediate!
Oh, and remember that our jobs are for PWD too!
One of the stages of the selection process at AeC is a questionnaire to evaluate the candidate's profile.
But this is not like a college entrance exam, no! The questions are related to behavioral profiling, so there is no right or wrong answer, only those that best match you. 😀
It consists of an online questionnaire (you can fill it in from anywhere that has Internet access) and is made up of 46 questions. Every question has an answer time that is displayed on the timer in the top right corner of the screen. At the end, the system displays the Pass or Fail score.
In this step, we are attempting to verify if your profile fits the job requirements. So answer all the questions truthfully, don't stop the test, skip questions or let the time run out because this increases your chances of not passing.
Woohoo, I passed! ???????? So now your data will be placed in our Talent Bank and as soon as a job opening that fits your profile comes up, the Recruitment and Selection team will contact you to inform you of the next steps.
The bank is valid for 6 months. If you have not been contacted during this period, you need to take a new test to continue in the bank, OK?
Aw, I did not pass! ???? Relax, don't give up just yet, this result is not definitive! The candidate who did not pass can retake the test after 60 days. In addition, our psychologists and data science team are constantly tweaking the questionnaire and system to keep it up to date with current AeC profiles.
We are here to bring out the best in everyone. This means doing better for everyone!
So if you are or know someone who can participate in our selection process for PWD employees, sign up or share. We will show you how the process works.
- Start by accessing our job portal sou.aec.com.br;
- Select the city you would like to work in.
- Click the "Person with disabilities” checkbox in the upper left corner. Mark this field ☑️;
- Fill in your registration.
- Complete the first stage of selection by answering the questionnaire.
- After filling it in, wait for the HR contact (phone or WhatsApp) for information about the next steps.
It's easy, right? So sign up today and become part of this family!
Have you forgotten the password you registered in the portal and now want to retrieve it? We’ll help you!
It is easy and can be done quickly. Look how easy it is -
- Enter your CPF individual taxpayers’ registry number on the main registration screen and click on "I forgot my password".
- Then, repeat your CPF number to confirm and choose how you want to receive the code: email or registered phone number.
- The code you received (email or cell phone) must be entered in the "Enter the code" field.
- That's it! Now you can set a new password. Careful not to forget it again!
- Confirm the password by retyping into the "Confirm password" field.
- Choose your job and apply!
Here’s a tip The password must contain a specific number of characters, upper/lower case letters, numbers and special characters (@; #; $; & etc.). The system will tell you if the password you have set is strong and meets the password security requirements. When the bar is green, the password is good to go!
AeC is always full of opportunities for those who would like to rejoin our team!
Did you leave to pursue another challenge but would like to be part of the AeC family again?
No problem! After 6 months of your leave, you can be rehired.
But you must wait for this period to end before making a new attempt, got it?
The process is the same. But I will repeat it here for you to remember:
- Start by accessing our job portal sou.aec.com.br;
- Select in the search the position "Attendant" and search for your city to see if there are any jobs available.
- When the result appears, click on "This Spot is Mine".
- Fill in your registration.
- Complete the first stage of selection by answering the questionnaire. It would be great to have you here with us!
Everyone who wants to take part in the steady growth of AeC is welcome. This includes those who are entering the job market and want to go through this incredible experience with us! The hiring of young apprentices takes place through the Company-School Integration Center (Centro de Integração Empresa-Escola - CIEE).
Look for your city's unit and get information about contact center vacancies 🙂
It's hard to wait, isn't it?!
We also look forward to contacting every one of you and giving you the good news.
But contact with candidates for our selection processes varies according to the job availability. So as soon as we have vacancies that match your profile, we will definitely call you for a chat.
The selection processes take place according to our operational demand. What does that mean? That they only happen when there are jobs to be filled.
In the meantime, your data will remain in our talent pool for up to six months.
As soon as there is a spot that fits your profile, we will contact you. ????
Do you need information or to make a request to HR?
Contact us at our central number, which is (31) 3515-7000.
Then, when the Extension option comes up, enter the number that corresponds to the city you want to talk to:
- Arapiraca: 711002;
- Belo Horizonte: Unit ES1: 717600;
- Belo Horizonte: Orion Unit: 7400;
- Belo Horizonte: Station Unit: 7536
- Campina Grande: 762501
- Governador Valadares: 715002 and 715001
- Montes Claros: 75001 and 758501
- Mossoró: 760002
- João Pessoa: Unit JP1: 756001;
- João Pessoa: Unit JP2: 757002;
- Juazeiro do Norte: 750501
You can send any comment to us, anonymously or not. What we want is to hear you!
AeC knows that in order to continuously improve, the first step is to know everything that can go wrong. Then do what is necessary to solve the problem in the best way.
We have a team that is properly trained for this. If you want to report something, contact our Ombudsman and help us clarify and solve whatever is going on.
You can do it by e-mail, at ouvidoria@aec.com.br or anonymously here: aec.com.br/work-with-us/#ouvidoria.
Remember: we really want to hear what you have to say!